stranger things CLAMPS

 The setting in the short video we watched had many different props and different lighting to give the audience an uneasy feeling and to leave them on the edge of their seats, this suggests that the story is going to take a turn for the worst.The laboratory is suggesting they were experimenting with something or maybe someone. 

The lighting shows a darker atmosphere this suggests that the story is on the darker and more horror side, it's a very eerie and suspenseful setting that will bring the audience in by making them feel curious.Darker settings usually show a scarier and fearful area in the show/movie.

The setting is an older 80s suburban setting and that will show the audience that it's not that modern so they aren't as advanced as the world is today. The setting of the laboratory is to make sure the audience is interested in the story and makes sure they are intrigued by the story.

The props in the story like the bikes, the gun and the lab coats are many different things but the show makes them all connected in some way, the bike that the main character fell off (will) makes it so the character couldn't run from whatever creature was chasing him.

The actor's placement like the scientist running through the halls of a broken and beat up laboratory shows that the character is scared and is running from something hoping to escape whatever he's running from. The basement where the kids are playing a game shows the audience that the main characters that will be focused on are only kids. 


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